Monday 16 March 2020


Hi guys,

This is Mr Dikky, For your information i'm a Professional English Private Teacher. 

Ok guys bahasan pertama saya adalah Conditional Sentence (kalimat pengandaian). terkadang kalimat pengandaian ini membingungkan bagi para pelajar atau siswa yang belajar bahasa Inggris dan menggunakannya sebagai bahasa kedua.
Para pelajar sering mengeluhkan penggunaannya saat kapan atau bagaimana dan disaat konteksnya (makna) seperti apa.
Pada dasarnya conditional sentence terdiri dari 3 jenis, yaitu; conditional sentence bentuk pertama, bentuk kedua, dan bentuk ketiga. Namun di beberapa buku terbitan luar negeri mr menemukan ada yang disebut zero conditional sentence. Mmmmhhh nanti kita bahas OK.
Baiklah InsyAlloh Mr Dikky akan menjelaskannya sesimpel mungkin.
Here you are;
Bentuk Pertama Mr jelaskan dengan sebutan “Betul/Terjadi”
Dengan formula diatas mari kita jabarkan menjadi sebuah kalimat
If the weather is bright, i will go to the Beach
I will go to the beach if the weather is bright
Dari kalimat diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa, Saya akan kepantai jika cuaca terang dan memang cuaca terang dan pasti ke pantai

Bentuk Kedua Mr jelaskan dengan sebutan “Tidak Betul Terjadi”

Dengan formula diatas mari kita jabarkan menjadi sebuah kalimat
If i had money, i would go to Bali
i would go to Bali If i had money
Dari kalimat diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa, Saya tidak akan ke Bali karena saya tidak punya uang, dan bentuk kedua ini pasti menggunakan past tense

Bentuk Ketiga Mr jelaskan dengan sebutan “Tidak Betul Terjadi baik dimasa lalu maupun masa yang akan datang”

Dengan formula diatas mari kita jabarkan menjadi sebuah kalimat
If i had had wings, i would have flown around the world
i would have flown around the world If i had had wings
Dari kalimat diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa, saya tidak mungkin keliling dunia karena saya tidak mungkin punya sayap (sedikit hiperbolis)

OK mungkin ketiga pengandaian tadi semoga dapat terjelaskan dengan jelas dan baik yah. Oh iyah mr lupa satu lagi pengandaian yang mr temukan yaitu Zero condional.
Sebenarnya zero conditional ini sama dengan pengandaian bentuk pertama guys, perbedaannya hanya pada kata kerja yang mengikuti

Bentuk zero conditional Mr jelaskan dengan sebutan “Betul Terjadi”
Dengan formula diatas mari kita jabarkan menjadi sebuah kalimat
If i have time, i can change the letter
I can change the letter if i have time
Dari kalimat diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa, saya memang punya waktu dan bisa merubah isi surat itu.

OK guys semoga penjelasan dan pemaparan dari Mr dapat diterima yah, bilamana kalian bingung atau ada pertanyaan silahkan langsung saja hubungi Mr di 082295024980 (wa and phone), Bye see you later.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Sarinah Bomb the Tragedy of Humanity

   On Thursday at 10:30 Am, in the center Jakarta only 1 km from the Presidential Palace, a bombs bursts in a police post which located in an intersection between The Sky Line building and The Sarinah Building in Jakarta. At that time, the traffic wasn't really stuck, there was only 4 or 5 car and motorcycle passing by. A minute after, the civilian and police officer were gathered near the location to see the victims, there were 3 victims killed just outside the post, blood scattered and smoke seen in that post.
The first attack at the police post in the intersection

   Suddenly there were sound of gun shoot, the citizen and the police  ran safe their life, one citizen died and left behind on the street. The shooter,with hat and a back pack, held a gun walking to the front of the Starbucks coffee. he continued to shoot randomly in the parking lot of Starbucks coffee. Few policemen took cover behind cars and motorcycles while the terrorist shot, one handmade grenade also thrown by the terrorist and burst near the car that was used by the policemen to cover. Suddenly bombs blew in the parking lot of the gunmen position. There were four victims which four of them were the terrorist.
The gunman who shot the police and the citizen

Hand made grenade was thrown by the terrorist

   There is an odd happening from the video that was recorded by citizen from the building across. In that video there were four terrorist,one of them the gunman and his friend who sat beside him, the rests were already died in front of them. The gunman was very on guard beside the white car with his pistol. His friend who sat beside him look like want to take something from the bag, we can see that he was very exhausted, from my opinion maybe he just wanted to take a bottle of water, suddenly when he grabbed something from the bag, BOOM the explosion was turn on twice.
The suicide bomb that was recorded by the netizen

   Reported that there are 24 people have been injured, two of them are police officer and 6 people died which among them are the terrorists. This tragedy of humanity are very unwanted by whoever lived in a free country. Bless to Alloh SWT, the tragedy has done and over with the hard work of brave police officer and all the components of the nation.  

Sunday 10 January 2016

Knowledge of English in Developing Country

 Foreign Students with English Needed

     English as an International language has been known as a means of communication. There are so many countries that used English as their first language or second language although they aren't an English based country. For many years, practitioners, teachers, or lecturers have developed the easiest way to study this language. The facts are there are still many problems which the pupils or students can't understand the grammar or how to communicate with English.

    The pupils sometimes couldn't understand how to express their feelings or response with the right words. It seems because that language is seldom to be practiced so it won't be easy for them to express. There are so many courses or English classes that give their student promises to teach them the right methods for mastering the English language.

    For twenty years in teaching English, i realized that many of my students who can speak with good pronunciation and understand about the grammar are those who like singing an English song, playing games with English as the communication, watching English video, and all that related to English. All the characteristics are motivate them to be able to mastered the English.

      The motivation of the students can also be the trigger to become fluent in English spoken or writing. Last but not least, the role of family, education especially the teacher, and environment can be influence the students. There is one proverb saying "rather than study the foreign language in college or university for more than 4 years, it's better to stay in that country for only 3 weeks".

Sunday 6 December 2015

Poem "Night White"

Night White

View night as white
As wind comes
Sounds are whispering
Untouchable is the word
For whom do i speak
Clearly unrevealed
Thus this is the time
To say the word
Still don't understood
Now time's awake
For those who seek
May peace be upon you

Indonesia, Cimahi, 6 December 2015

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia

"kurtilas" is what they said for the new curriculum in Indonesia. As far as i know, Indonesia has changed 11 times for their curriculum. From the period of the Dutch colonization in 1949 with the name of Veer Plan until now the 2013 curriculum. This new curriculum has been taught to all level teacher from elementary teacher until senior high school teacher according to the Country Regulation from the Indonesia Ministry of Education. There are so many regulations that relate to this new curriculum, such as; Government Regulation No.32 year 2013 about the change of national standard of education, Constitution No. 20 year 2003 about national education system, and so on.

This new curriculum is focused on Attitude and Ability. With a purpose for the students in Indonesia can bring a bright future for Indonesia in the future with self-independent on their shoulder to face the world. 

Started from 2013, this new curriculum has been socialized to schools in Indonesia by the government. In the reality, there are big problems concerning the application about this curriculum, especially the readiness for the teachers and the students in Indonesia. In fact, this curriculum will only be applied for the chosen schools where all the human resources from principal, teacher, and students are ready to adopt this curriculum. According to the data, there are core schools with amount 6326 all over Indonesia which are ready to apply this curriculum. Whatsoever this curriculum has made a big issue for the national education in Indonesia.

There are facts that showing us the shortage of this curriculum, for example;
1. English lesson will be an extracurricular that will be nonobligatory lesson for students (in this case public school especially), moreover there are elementary schools that remove this important lesson from their subject at school. But for some private and expensive schools, it still remains a compulsory lesson in their school.
2. Computer lesson will be removed also in some schools
3. National language and Traditional language will be removed also, note: Indonesia has 300 tribe with different culture and language
4. Etc

With so many polemics that encounter this curriculum, the writer must say that it is a wise act if the government especially the ministry of education can delay or do a fit and proper test first before socializing about this curriculum. But just a suggestion from the bottom of my heart, there's no need to change the curriculum if the contents are still has correlations with the older version, we just have to increase or repair the shortages from the older version so that it won't confusing the lower level such as teachers and students especially.

Saturday 13 September 2014

The Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum

Australia, as a continental country, has a significant curriculum which develops their education systems. General capabilities of the Australian Curriculum are addressed explicitly in the content of the learning areas. They play an important role in realizing the goals set out in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008) -that all young people in Australia should be supported to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens.

In the Australian Curriculum, students become literate as they develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communication in and out school and for participating effectively in society. Literacy involves students in listening to, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, and creating oral, print, visual and digital texts, and using and modifying language for different purposes in a range of context.

The Declaration forms the Australian Curriculum into dynamic and challenging education systems for both teachers and students. The Melbourne Declaration identifies essential skills for twenty-first century learners in literacy, numeracy, information, and information and communication technology (ICT), thinking, creativity, teamwork and communication. It describes individuals who can manage their own well-being, relate well to others, make informed decisions about their lives, become citizens who behave with ethical integrity, relate to and communicate across cultures, work for the common good and act with responsibility at local, regional, and global levels. To become successful learners in any learning area depends on being able to use the significant, identifiable, and distinctive literacy that is important for learning and representative of the content of that learning area.

The Australian Curriculum includes seven general capabilities:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Inter cultural Understanding.

The Circle of General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum is in the picture below:
The Curriculum in Australia
The General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum (

General capabilities materials for schools and teachers

These materials are presented as a resource to help teachers understand the curriculum:

  1. Develop a shared understanding of the nature, scope and sequence of the general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum
  2. Confirm their understanding of intended learning wherever general capabilities are identified in learning area content descriptions and elaborations
  3. Plan for and guide students' development of the general capabilities in school and classroom learning programs.
Teaching and Assessment of general capabilities in Australia:

  • Teachers are expected to teach and assess general capabilities to the extent that they are incorporated within each learning area
  • State and territory school authorities will determine whether and how student learning of the general capabilities will be further assessed and reported
  • For some students, it may be necessary to adjust the levels of complexity and the processes they use to develop capabilities. However, the role and place of general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum remain the same for all students.
Nature of general capabilities in Australia

In the Australian Curriculum "capability" encompasses knowledge, skills, behaviors and dispositions. Students develop their capability when they apply knowledge and skills confidently, effectively, and appropriately in complex and changing circumstances, both in their learning at school and in their lives outside school. The encouragement of positive behaviors and dispositions underpins all general capabilities. Within individual capabilities, specific behaviors and dispositions have been identified and incorporated into each learning continuum as appropriate.

Although English language is an international language and it is their national language, the Australian considers that the learning of this subject is an important and valuable thing. The interesting point of the Australian Curriculum is that the study of English is central to the learning and development of all young Australians. It helps create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyze, understand, communicate with and build relationship with others and with the world around them. The study of English helps young people develop the knowledge and skills needed for education, training and the workplace. It helps become ethical, thoughtful informed and active members of society. In this light, it is clear that the Australian Curriculum considers the learning of English plays an important part in developing the understanding, attitudes and capabilities of those who will take responsibility for Australia's future.

Thursday 11 September 2014

The Curriculum in United States of America

The Curriculum in USA 

We have known, the education tradition in USA, have been known all over the world. The systems and the pedagogic are competence to develop the ability and the skills of both the students and the teachers. The methods are usable for all the education systems around the world. Although all the systems and methodology are popular, but USA Doesn’t Have A National Curriculum. Many international students, scholars and educational visitors are surprised to learn that the United States has no national education system. Since the education is not mentioned in the U.S. constitution, school policy is a matter for each state to decide. 

As underlined items, the American Education System is unlike that in other counties. Though the U.S. Federal Government contributes almost 10 percent to the national education budget, education is primarily the responsibility of state and local government. The Federal government can influence education only by funding it offers, but this is limited. In almost State County almost 80 percent of public education funds come from state sources. About 17-20 percent comes from local sources, while less than 5 percent comes from the Federal Government. Some state doesn’t have national high school graduation examination. The Curriculum is determined at the district level; for example, Minneapolis and St. Paul Schools each set their own curricula. We can see, however, state standards, which are a set of goals schools must reach. Students must pass state graduation examinations, although it’s not compulsory for all state education curricula. 

At the higher education level, students have a wide range of options when they choose a college or university. Although there are agencies that attempt to place American colleges and universities in rank order, the concept of “FIT” is also important. The grade point averages of admitted students are important, but major offered, location, number of students enrolled, and campus culture are all factors in a prospective student’s decision. 

The most important point is the value in American education is equal access for all levels. At all levels, the goal is for each learner to reach her or his potential, whatever that might be. We do not always reach this goal and disparities remain. Nevertheless, the United States aspires to offer everyone opportunities to achieve as much education as they can. As an international students, scholar, or visitor, you will hear lots of debate about the proper balance of excellence and equality. American is hopeful that these two values are compatible and not competing goals. 

The Two Values of American Education: 

• Excellence 
• Equality 

Every State has its own department of education and laws regulating finance, the hiring school personnel, student attendance, and curriculum. 

States also determine the numbers of years of compulsory education. In most states, education is compulsory from five or six to sixteen; but in some states teens have to stay on in school until age 18. So every state has great control over what is taught in its schools and over the requirements that a student must meet, and it is also responsible for the funding of schooling. 

The unique system is in most States, the public education system is further divided into local school districts, which are managed by a school board, representing the local community. School districts can be small, covering just a small town or rural county, or enormous, covering a whole large city; according to their local policy, they are responsible for coordinating education policies, planning for changing educational needs in the community, and often even establishing programs and curricula. They will also delegate a varying amount of freedom or independence to each individual school within their sector (with some exceptions, such as general rules concerning health and safety). 

From this we can see the curriculum doesn’t have to be crucial standards to measure the education or to control the education systems to meet the needs. The interesting point, that the local community can influence both the curriculum and the education systems. Nevertheless, the basic foundation of curriculum is to make the education systems runs along the need of a country, and to prepare the pupils overcome the later life of this modern environment.